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Showing posts from September, 2015

So My Prom Is Next Year...

So recently I done a collab with Caroline Reinhart and we both talked about Prom, you can check out my post here: The thing is, I happily made that post knowing I would not have prom for at least another 2 years. Yeah.. my prom is in 8 months. 8 Months You may be wondering, prom is fun, what's bad about that? Back in primary school it would've been fun but not now, definitely not. I'm not sure why I feel this way but I just really don't want a prom, the stress of trying to look good with probably land me in hospital and my school severely lacks the 'Troy And Gabriella Romance' it so desperately needs. I mean seriously there's more romance between me and my phone than there is in the school, and that's saying something. I'm probably just going to buy a cheap dress from Primark, literally no one cares what you look like and I re...

What Am I Like In Real Life?

(I'm currently typing this on a Wednesday and I have no idea what day I'm planning to upload this but you'll know what day I chose, obviously) So the other day I reached 3000 page views (WOO!) and it got me thinking.. Will I ever reveal my name? As you guys know my identity is anonymous but I don't intend for it to be anonymous forever because I'm an extremely open person. So for today, I thought it'd be fun to just reveal a few small facts about myself . (I've wanted to do this post for weeks now but I've always convinced myself out of it, literally the amount of times I've started this post and then deleted this is amazing) What I'm going to do is post some simple questions and answer them, Hope you enjoy! What colour is your hair? My hair is black&brown (I didn't get brown highlights, its just oddly changing colour) What colour are your eyes? Like dark brown-ish Is your hair long or short? Its medi...

12 Things You Need To Make Your Homecoming Less Horrible

Hi, I'm Caroline. Awkward Teen and I are guest posting on each other blog's about school dances to help you feel better about yours. For mine, I thought it'd be best to give you what I didn't have: A warning. Dances are fun, but you need to be prepared. So here's my list of things to help you have the best dance ever. 1. A Group Okay, so I am TERRIBLE about finding people to go to dances with. No matter what, I always ask late or ask the wrong people (You know, the ones who never go to dances no matter what you try). Normally, though, I end up finding an amazing group, so it all works out. However, the best way to secure one is to ask AT LEAST four weeks ahead. I know it sounds weird, but trust me. Get an early start. 2. A Plan If you want #1, then you need #2. People like not having to worry about plans. They prefer to have them laid out in front of them so they can just put them into their schedule. Obviously, you have to be flexible and...

3000 Pageviews!

I know I've posted twice today but this is just going to be super quick. I just hit 3000 pageviews! Thank you for everyone that has read my posts, commented on my posts, followed me etc Just knowing I have over 3000 views on a blog I started 6 months ago amazes me! So thank you :)

A Quick Update

I am totally aware I haven't posted in quite a while. I'm sorry! My blog has grown quite a lot these past few weeks, I'm getting more comments, being asked more questions and getting more followers and I am extremely grateful. It may seem like I'm slacking but trust me I am not. I've been working with another blogger (who will be named soon) on a fun themed blog post I hope you will enjoy. I wont spoilt it but the post I am working on will probably have to be released in parts since it would be too long to release as a whole story so if you guys enjoy it, all you have to do is let me know. Thanks for being patient as always.

Why I'm Envious Of Americans

So as some of you may know, I went back to school.. -.- I absolutely hate it and I've only been back for 2 days *sigh* Since this is a pretty important year I'll probably have to stick to posting once a week by completing posts and uploading them on the weekend.  Although whenever I get holidays I will vow to post as much as I can without getting annoying. Now in case you're wondering: Why not complete multiple posts on the weekends and save them as drafts? I wanted to but I realised its better to wait a few days so fresh ideas can come out then type loads of boring rambly ideas in an hour. Hope you understand where I'm coming from :) Anyways lets get onto what I'm supposed to be talking about shall we? At first I was going to talk about answers to questions people have for British people since I'm British but instead I thought It would be better to talk about my envy for Americans Trust me, this is not as serious/evil as it sou...

Hello, Autumn

I am once again stuck on ideas so I decided to talk about Autumn. As you may know, August is over and September has begun. Meaning Autumn is starting soon (well technically its still summer because Autumn doesn't begin till Wednesday the 23rd of September (In the northern hemisphere) but that's not the point. Today in Manchester it rained, a lot (Typical England) but it wasn't normal rain (at least to me) I always tell people I can smell rain. Yes, I know it sounds weird but whenever I'm out I can always smell when the rain is coming, I don't know, maybe its me thinking I'm an island fairy. If you're interested the rain smell kind of smells like wet dirt. (I'm going off topic...) Anyways back to what I was saying, today the air felt super cold, not like normal. You could just tell autumn was coming and although autumn is probably my favourite season because I don't like winter and I have bad hayfever during the summer ...