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What Am I Like In Real Life?

(I'm currently typing this on a Wednesday and I have no idea what day I'm planning to upload this but you'll know what day I chose, obviously)

So the other day I reached 3000 page views (WOO!) and it got me thinking..

Will I ever reveal my name?

As you guys know my identity is anonymous but I don't intend for it to be anonymous forever because I'm an extremely open person.

So for today, I thought it'd be fun to just reveal a few small facts about myself .
(I've wanted to do this post for weeks now but I've always convinced myself out of it, literally the amount of times I've started this post and then deleted this is amazing)

What I'm going to do is post some simple questions and answer them,
Hope you enjoy!

What colour is your hair?
My hair is black&brown (I didn't get brown highlights, its just oddly changing colour)
What colour are your eyes?
Like dark brown-ish
Is your hair long or short?
Its medium length, I'm trying to grow it out
What phone do you have?
Am I as awkward as I perceive myself to be?
Yes. 100% yes, the other day at school I had a huge packet of Nerds (they are teeny-tiny sweets for anyone that doesn't know what they are) and what did I do?
Spill them
in front of everyone and the week before that, when everyone was listening to my form tutor lecture, I decided to subtly fix my skirt and what do I do? Fall of my chair and have everyone laugh at me.
What is my life..
What colour is my skin?
Light brown.
What is my ethnicity?
Half british, half jamaican
Am I outgoing?
I'm an ambivert so whilst I do enjoy going out, I also need time to myself, I also prefer spending time with my family than I do my friends, I sound like a suckish friend but I wont lie, I love my family, with them its like a 24/7 comedy club.
Do your friends know about your blog?
They know it exists but I never tell them the name of it.
Some things I prefer to keep private.
They can see where I'm coming from anyway, they have blogs of their own but on Tumblr.

As for my name, I decided that when I reach 5000 page views I will reveal my name.
I promise.

And that's all for today!
Be sure to leave a comment and ask a question on my F.A.Qs page if you have any!
Thanks for reading and have an awesome day.


  1. Hey,
    It's so cool your half Jamaican! I was laughing so hard at the Nerds bit. ;)


    1. Haha, Thanks! and It was totally one of the most embarrassing ever, my form tutor was literally trying so hard not to explode in anger at me!

  2. you sound like a nice person and spilling nerds can happen to anyone. LOL! :) I like your blog!

  3. Spilling Nerds on the floor must've broken your heart in half ;-;
    You'll be at that 5k page views milestone in no time! :D

    1. It did, £3 down the drain :(((, I assembled all the nerds into a bag and my friends had no issues with consuming all the dusty floor nerds :P
      And Thank you!


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