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If I Had My Own Reality Show...

Guess who's back with a (probably) original idea!
Yeah, I have no excuse for why I've been gone so long, things have been pretty hectic - from uni assignments to getting my own car!
Now its 2019!
Holy crap.
As usual I've complied my (cringe) list of new years resolutions but that isn't the focus of todays post!
I've had this idea in my drafts for far too long so I've decided to finish it.

In the off-chance I'd score my own reality show, honestly...
It'd probably be boring.
The UK doesn't have the luxury of beautiful LA weather so roughly 8 hours of film would be dedicated to me submerged underneath my blankets watching family guy.

Plus there wouldn't be much drama unless you count me and my mum arguing over what's for dinner as drama.

What else do reality shows entail?
Oh yeah! 
They all wake up glammed out with a full face of make up and beautiful outfits.
Yeah... 3 day old messy bun, leggings and ugg boots for me.

I guess the confessionals would be cool, you get an insight to my weird ass thoughts and crippling anxiety but that's about it really.
Plus I'm sure I'd lose all my friends because they'd get sick of cameras following us around constantly.

At least we could dedicate a good 2 hours of film time of me struggling not to crash on the road with my very cute car that I randomly named Jaiquiri.
I named my car Jaiquiri.

Oop, lets not forget the consistent clips of me promising to start my essays and then ending up procrastinating
and of course the 20 minutes dedicated to my daily crying session.

On second thought, maybe this would be an interesting reality show.

Oh my, 

Yeah.. I hope you enjoyed this
It was fun to write and imagine.
Like a small part of me wishes I was like some huge LA reality star but weirdly, my biggest concern would be re-watching myself and cringing at how bad my voice sounds.
Well that and the paranoia that some obsessed fan would come and strangle me or something.

I will try super hard to come back, at least within three weeks with another post.
Hopefully there's still some people out there reading this haha.
hello? anybody there?
Ok yeah let me stop rambling
Bye! Have a nice day or night!


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