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What Would YOU Like To See?

Oh Hey!

So I just had a thought.

I was looking at my blog the other day and I realised, one of the biggest reasons I don't post as often is literally, lack of ideas.

When I just started this blog my head was booming with ideas.

That period is gone now, now I'm always suffering with writers block.

Every post idea is annoyingly harrowing, so I don't even attempt to type it.

But then I thought (literally 7 minutes ago)

What if I metaphorically passed the mic (or keyboard?) over to you.

(There is an 87% chance this will fail, it relies on ANYONE reading to comment)

So if anyone reading has a suggestion for what you'd like to me to post about, feel free to comment

Anything from a Q&A, to a Tag, or A Day in the Week post, literally anything (within reason)

(Nothing too extreme like, "Travel to France and tell us your experience" I'm broke afff)

Or I could do an opinion post, where you give me a topic and I give my opinion on it, anything political I will definitely struggle.
Politics goes way over my head.

But yeah, I have a feeling this will fail but I've have some hope it wont.

And of course, anyone who gives a suggestion, I'll be sure to give them a lovely shout-out for helping this blog not die out :)

And in the off chance that I get loads of submissions (which I probably wont) I'll use all of your ideas!

So this is my plea, if you have an idea of something you want me to post about

Leave a comment

(or if its super long and in-depth, you can always submit it to me via my contact form)

My blog rests in your hands...


  1. Hmm.... I must think...... What about your opinion on the dove commercial? List of your favorite makeups/or ones you currently use, what you want to do in the future, a sneak peek of a day in your life?

    1. I'll write all your ideas down!
      Thank you :)


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