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What I've Learnt About Doing GCSE's...

Guess who's back?
Yeah sorry I've been absent for a while, GCSE's started a while back so I've been spending a long while trying to locate a cave I can live in for the next fifty years.

Jokes, whilst being fully submerged in these exams I discovered something...

They're actually not that bad
Obviously the non stop revision is a pain but they really are just like doing mock exams, I try not to remind myself how super duper important they are because that'll just stress me out.
Unfortunately I don't have any "amazing" exam tips to help stress because I just don't believe in them to be honest. I see tips all the time such as "During the exam, take a deep breath" but if I'm freaking out, I'm freaking out! Nothing will stop it!

All I can say to my fellow exam takers is: be strategic, do past papers! They really help, most of the time questions similar to those on the past papers are put on the real exam anyways and also look at the mark schemes so you can get a taste of what the examiner is looking for when they are marking your exam.
Remember: Fail to prepare, prepare to fail
The other day I nearly had a breakdown because I'm pretty sure I flopped my first English literature exam and that could jeopardize my chance of passing but I guess I'll have to wait till results day to see my fate.
Hopefully I did okay.

I had prom by the way!
It was better than I expected!
Even though my dress took way too long to make (I picked it up, on the day of prom!) and the food was kind of gross and everyone's shoes kept being caught on my dress, it wasn't that bad! 
I really wish I could do it again!

My love life is currently in shambles, I did go and see the guy I like and I do have a form of chemistry with him but I don't know.. I kind of expected that one meetup to end up with me and the guy forming a relationship because I don't seem to be entirely stuck in the friendzone but he doesn't  text very often and that leaves me confused but too afraid to question them on it and since the guy rarely responds anyway I'm just trying to find a way to move on from him since he clearly isn't very interested (on text anyways, he's very different in real life)
Maybe in order to find love, I should just stop searching but that is extremely hard.

I also just celebrated my birthday! I didn't do anything special, like literally I just stayed in bed in my pjs because I was too lazy to go outside, I didn't even get a cake because gosh I'm lazy. I'm 16 now even though I don't feel like it at all but at least I can start working so I can make money.

For my birthday I got a phone, its the Gold Samsung Galaxy J5 and its bloomin' huge!
I'm really enjoying the snapchat face filters that weren't on my old s3 mini.

Anyways yeah...I know this post isn't super long but I just wanted to put up something instead of being absent for 2 months, it was kind of meant to be an update type thingy and I only have 8 exams left so then I can start posting more regularly.

Thanks for reading and good luck if you have any exams! 


  1. Hey!
    I'm in my final year of high school and about to write the second most important exams of my school career. Your tips are very helpful!

    Steph //

  2. I also just finished my Gcse's and I'm so glad there over! Sounds like your prom was really fun mines next week can't wait :)

    1. It really was! and awesome, I hope you have fun! and Enjoy your summer!


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