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April Favourites

I've secretly always wanted to do one of these.
Its a thing right?
I'm pretty sure I remember it being a thing.
Originally I was going to call this post "This months favourites" but knowing me and my appalling post schedule, I'd probably have it up by August so this title avoids running any risks.

So this month has been pretty good, mainly because I've been shopping more and by doing so I've come across lots of products that I absolutely adore and I want to share them with you!

The first items are the MUA lip products, I got a £10 gift card for Trafford Centre (which is a giant shopping centre/mall) if you don't know what it is) and I decided to spend it in Superdrug, I really wanted Matte products since I fell in love with the Kylie Jenner Lip Kit but since I'm too poor to afford it I looked for a reasonably price dupe.
Then I stumbled across the MUA matte velvet lip lacquers, the bottle and colour is definitely what caught my eye first so I decided to buy two as well as matching lip liners.

 I honestly think the products are gorgeous and although on the swatches they don't look matte, trust me, they dry completely matte and they last SO long, its unbelievable.
I ate spaghetti and meatballs, ice cream and drank coke and it stayed immaculate I didn't even have to reapply and the price amazingly cheap, this isn't sponsored or anything I just loved the product, here is where you can buy the MUA lip products: (Purple Lip Lacquer) (Purple Lip Liner) (Red Lip Lacquer) (Red Lip Liner)
Since I bought those products, I also got a free makeup bag, as you can see above, isn't it cute?

The next April favourite of mine is another product I've been wanting to get for a while, its another product I bought from Superdrug with my gift card, its the Barry M matte nail polish in Crush.
Sorry I cant show what it looks like on my nails, my phone camera is just not doing it justice but if you search "Barry M nail polish crush" there are loads of pictures that show the amazing quality of the matte nail polish.
I desperately need to get some more of these.
If you want to see all of the Barry M matte nail polishes, click here:

Moving away from Superdrug, the next April favourite of mine is this Zodiac necklace I purchased of Amazon, what I love about it is that it is so cheap and the quality is so good, you can also customize it which is definitely what stood out to me, you can get your name or anything you want put on the back of the necklace.
As I am a Gemini, I got the necklace in Gemini (represented by the twins) and on the back I had the name "Liyah" put there as it is my nickname, I got it in the number "12" font as there are 12 fonts to choose from.
 It also comes with an extra chain and a velvet pouch, it took about 5 days to arrive which is pretty good since they have to work on the customized engraving.
If you want to purchase a customizable zodiac necklace for yourself, click here:
The seller "MeMeDIY" does loads of different customizable jewellery that I will definitely be purchasing in the future, I definitely recommend it.

The next April favourite is more on the stationary side, its a Pukka pad I purchased of Amazon for my revision as my exams are uncomfortably close.
Its very nice, very simple and easy to write on and it has perforated paper so it can be easily removed as A4 paper. Pukka pads can be purchased from any stationary shop but here is where I purchased it from:

The next April favourite is the ASAP Science book, I got it from Amazon and I've wanted it for about a year now because it genuinely interested me, I'm halfway through it and I love how the book and drawings in the book are crafted, it explains many questions such as "Is the 5-second rule legitimate?, Is binge tv watching bad for you? Why do we get pins and needles?" etc.

So if you're generally interested in the answers to these questions, you can buy it here:
I recommend it because when googling answers to the questions provided in this book, most of the time the answers are over complicated and over explained but with this book explains it will the necessary amount of detail whilst still making it easy to understand, plus I guarantee everyone in your class will want to read it! Most of the questions are pretty funny!

The last April favourite of mine is the UHU glue pen.
I got it because I saw my friend using one and I fell in love with it. (Is that weird?)
So I immediately searched for it on Amazon and found it super cheap.
Its very useful if you're an art student because its so easy to use and has a stronger stickiness than PVA, in my opinion. My friend does art and she prefers it to normal glue whilst I use it to help with my revision. It looks like any pen but it is squeezable and doesn't leak out thankfully.
 The tip of it is made out of a net type of material and when you squeeze the glue pen the glue seeps out nicely.
If you want to purchase one for yourself, click here:

And there it is, there are all of my April favourites, I loved typing out this post and it only took me about an hour to fully type out the post, take pictures of the items and add them to the post.
If you want another post like this, feel free to say so in the comments.


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