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Finish The Lyric w/ Sblg

So the other day I was emailed by a lovely girl named Sblg about possibly collabing and as a lover of meeting other bloggers, I had to accept!

She introduced me to a game called finish the lyric and at first I was super confused on what it was but after she sent me a link to a game of finish the lyric, I knew I had to play it!

If you would like to play, feel free to:

Now I personally love Disney because it produced Hannah Montana (aka forever my favourite tv show) but the quiz is based on Disney movies which I suck at because I haven't watched them all and I have a rubbish memory however I'm going to attempt to answer 5 of the questions, there are 15 questions but this blog post would be the longest thing ever if I did all 15 so I'll try 5.
I'llcolour the ones I got right in green and the ones I got wrong in red.

1. (Pocahontas)

“I feel it there beyond those trees, or right behind these waterfalls, can I ignore that sound of distant _______?”


I'm going to go with drumming since it sounds like it makes sense.
I guess drumming would be hard to ignore.

2. (Snow White)

“Make a wish _____ _____ _____, that’s all you have to do, and if you hear it echoing, your wish will soon come true.”

-Inside your heart
-Inside your mind
-Into the well
-Into the cave

At first I thought "Into the well" sounded weird but it sounds like it makes sense since wells echo but just in case I'll go with "Inside your heart" since Disney loves super cringey lyrics

3. (Sleeping Beauty)
(crap I never watched Sleeping Beauty..)

“Yet I know it's true that visions are seldom ___ ___ ___, but if I know you, I know what you'll do, you'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.”

-In a dream
-What you mean
-All you dream
-All they seem

Erm... I guess In a dream?

4. (Beauty and the Beast)

“It's my favorite part because you'll see, here's where she meets Prince Charming, but she won't discover ______ _____ ______ 'til chapter three!”

-That's its him
-That he's rich
-She's in love
-He loves her

So the first two don't sound quite right and my gut is telling me to go with the third option so I shall.

5. (The Little Mermaid)

“I've got _____ ____ _____ a plenty, I've got whozits and whatzits galore.”

-Thingamabobs and widgets
-Gazmos and gidgets
-Gadgets and gizmos
Goodads and knicknacks

....All I can do is guess for this one I'm literally clueless.


So I got 3 right, even though I guessed this completely, Its not that bad so yay for me but since I was a person that grew up watching Disney movies I should've aced this so I'm going to ground myself for a few weeks.
I'm going to try and post more often since I've kind of been on a break so in a few days I will post a funny story or whatever I think of.

If you would like to check out Sblg's blog you can here:

She's new to the blogging world so go and say hi!
She gave the link to the quiz and she will also be doing it too!


  1. Wow. I've watched a lot of classic disney but these questions are hard! Good job on passing- I have a feeling I wouldn't have done as well as you (and I thought I was a classic disney fan!)

    1. All I could do was guess I regret not watching every old school Disney film!

  2. I hate doing this, but I'm a perfectionist so I can't help it. Plus, I know a TON of Disney songs!

    2. Into the well (She was singing AT a well. Which is weird. Who sings by a well? I'd be more focused on not falling in!)
    3. All they seem. Sleeping Beauty was weird. Don't watch it. Watch "Maleficent". THAT'S a movie!
    4. (Sorry, breaking your bubble, but this is one of my FAVE Disney songs) That it's him. (The book she is reading is actually what will happen to her, pretty much. Disney and irony go together like peanut butter and jelly). :P

    Okay, now that I'm done being a $%*!#, it happens to everyone. Disney songs rarely make sense when you break them apart. In all honesty, they're like reading Shakespeare. NO ONE gets it. But then again, maybe that's why they're popular. :P

    1. Bless your sweet little soul for clearing that up, the lyrics to Disney songs confuse me so much!
      But who cares, they are so damn catchy

  3. I hate doing this, but I'm a perfectionist so I can't help it. Plus, I know a TON of Disney songs!

    2. Into the well (She was singing AT a well. Which is weird. Who sings by a well? I'd be more focused on not falling in!)
    3. All they seem. Sleeping Beauty was weird. Don't watch it. Watch "Maleficent". THAT'S a movie!
    4. (Sorry, breaking your bubble, but this is one of my FAVE Disney songs) That it's him. (The book she is reading is actually what will happen to her, pretty much. Disney and irony go together like peanut butter and jelly). :P

    Okay, now that I'm done being a $%*!#, it happens to everyone. Disney songs rarely make sense when you break them apart. In all honesty, they're like reading Shakespeare. NO ONE gets it. But then again, maybe that's why they're popular. :P


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