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Showing posts from August, 2015

My Thoughts On Going Back To School

So I was inspired by a girl named Izzy to talk about my thoughts on going back to school and I thought it was a great idea! I personally have an extremely strong opinion on school so when I talk about it I speak with 0 filter. I hate school with a fiery passion. (See, I do not sugar coat my hatred) I hate the teachers. I hate the homework. I hate the learning. And I sure as hell hate the horrendous uniform. Seeing my friends is the only thing that convinces me to get up at 6:45 every morning and attend. ..Well that and the occasional bake sales.. Luckily enough I live in the Uk so I don't start school till September the 4th (On a Thursday) But I have so many assignments I haven't completed yet. I even have a Food Technology assignment where I have to bake 5 things and take a picture of them and send them to my teacher. Yeah.. like that's happening I'll probably just steal some from a cooking website. ..Wow I'm just the perfect...

Finish The Lyric w/ Sblg

So the other day I was emailed by a lovely girl named Sblg about possibly collabing and as a lover of meeting other bloggers, I had to accept! She introduced me to a game called finish the lyric and at first I was super confused on what it was but after she sent me a link to a game of finish the lyric, I knew I had to play it! If you would like to play, feel free to: Now I personally love Disney because it produced Hannah Montana (aka forever my favourite tv show) but the quiz is based on Disney movies which I suck at because I haven't watched them all and I have a rubbish memory however I'm going to attempt to answer 5 of the questions, there are 15 questions but this blog post would be the longest thing ever if I did all 15 so I'll try 5. I'llcolour the ones I got right in green and the ones I got wrong in red. 1. (Pocaho...

My Advice For Beginner Bloggers

The other day I realised I haven't really posted anything for about a week or two so at first I was going to talk about me becoming more of an ambivert than an extrovert but I read it over and decided it was boring so I decided to talk about advice. Now although I think my advice is rubbish, my friends think its good when they ask for it so hopefully what I have to say wont be to bad. I get asked quite a lot for advice/tips by people that have just started blogs and although I'm not some super popular award winning blogger but I decided to give it a try because you never know, it might actually help someone. So I looked for the most popular questions asked by new bloggers and I will try to answer them to the best of my abilities. How To Get More Blog Traffic: Google+ is your friend, take advantage of it by joining teenage blog communities as well as guest post on other blogs and make friends with other bloggers. It helps get your blog recognised a little...

A Guest Post

What To Expect When Your Sharpie Mugs Bake Hi everyone! Its Kate from majesticgoldenrose.  I blog about humor, faith, DIY's, writing, I review books and music, etc. :) I'm totally excited for this guest post and really happy for the opportunity to post here. Last winter I posted two posts about sharpie mugs on my blog. The first one (here) introduced what to do and the second (linked here) talked about what happened to my mugs. Something that I was really surprised by was how much the mugs changed colors. Therefore when I was asked to do a post, I decided to create another mug and share what you should expect if you try the pin yourself.  ^^^ Above you can see a bit of how the colors changed. ^^^ The "Before" images show much bolder colors and vivid colors. The navy blue entirely turned gray, the light green turned a bit more darker green/gray, the darker green turned a bit blue, and the yellow looks peach now . The black, fuchsia, and red are colors that...

Would You Rather..? (Part 2) w/ Eve Patchett

Hey! Welcome to another round of would you rather! But this time Eve from the blog Pen&Key is involved! By the way, yes I am aware I've done a would you rather before but why pass up the opportunity to collaborate with fellow blogger? So myself and Eve have both come up with 5 questions and I'll answer my 5 and her 5 on my blog and she will answer her 5 and my 5 on her blog Make sense? I certainly hope it does.. So my questions will be the colour Red and her questions will be the colour Blue Lets Begin! Would you rather..: Stay in school for the next 30 years or leave school after the 2nd grade?- Oh god, I don't even like being in school now so I would happily leave after the second grade, just give me a load of text books and I will (attempt to) teach myself. Spend a week without WiFi, or a week without blogging? (that means no reading other blogs or writing for your own)- Well as the mother of my own blog I'd have a hard time...

Reacting To The Vampire Diaries Characters (+Buttons)

I got this idea a few days ago but I wasn't sure whether to proceed with the idea because I had no idea what to call it. Let me explain. Basically I haven't made a blogpost about the Vampire Diaries in a long,long time and I, along with other Vampire Diaries fans are waiting for Season 7 to start. However, The Vampire Diaries does not start until October.. *sigh* So for most of my holiday I have been crying, non stop.. Anyway back to my point, I thought it would be pretty funny to share my honest opinion on the TVD characters, not sure why, It was either a post about this or my Phan (Dan&Phil) obsession which I may or may not talk about in the future, depending on whether it gets requested Here are the characters (I'm choosing to talk about the season 6 characters as well as The Originals cast): Elena Gilbert- Meh, always found her just a tad bit annoying so her leaving doesn't really bother me, although I feel sorry for Damon now. Stef...

Would You Rather..?

I started a blogging schedule and I intend to stick to it so if this post was posted on Sunday I have succeeded! Any who I had plan on playing a game of would you rather a long time ago but I never got round to it but now I finally have! So I searched the web for the most hardest would you rather questions and I will attempt to answer them as truthfully as possible but I will warn you, most of them are...strange.. Q: Would you rather use eye drops made of vinegar or toilet paper made from sandpaper? A: Definitely eye drops made of vinegar because... ouch. Q: Would you rather have to sneeze but not be able to or have something stuck in your eye for an entire year? A: Both sound equally infuriating but I'd become tempted to take my own eye out if there was something stuck in there for a year so I'll go with the sneeze option Q: Would you rather never be able to speak again or always have to say everything that is on your mind? A: I talk way to much so if...