Helloo my lovelies!
In a previous blogpost i told you 10 of the youtubers I'm subscribed to..
I shall tell you 5 tv shows i watch/love although some are on a break right now😢
- The vampire diaries
- The originals
- The carrie diaries
- Orange is the new black
- Total divas
Yeah.. the list would be longer but I'm more of a youtube girl. I'm going to try and keep this post short because i'm typing off my tablet AND IT'S SO PAINFULLY SLOW OMFG
i apologise for that.
In a previous blogpost i told you 10 of the youtubers I'm subscribed to..
I shall tell you 5 tv shows i watch/love although some are on a break right now😢
- The vampire diaries
- The originals
- The carrie diaries
- Orange is the new black
- Total divas
Yeah.. the list would be longer but I'm more of a youtube girl. I'm going to try and keep this post short because i'm typing off my tablet AND IT'S SO PAINFULLY SLOW OMFG
i apologise for that.
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