Safe to say it has been a while. I've been enjoying the highs and lows of life lol. I have no idea what has inspired this post but here I am. Its crazy how I started this blog when I was 15 and now I'm 21 and in my penultimate year of university. Being in my final year puts a lot of pressure on "knowing" what the next stages of my life will be I AM NOT READY. Like I'm ready to finally leave the education system but I am not ready to walk into adult life :'( I have barely accepted my age (I was asked how old I was by a shopkeeper today and by default I said "18". I AM 21 YEARS OF AGE) I digress, in terms of adulting, I take pleasure in not knowing so much that it has actually become my gospel. I don't know where I am going and I don't want to But I find in life as an adult that there is so much pressure to 'know' and I hate that Idk, to me, knowing my next steps forsakes any type of unpredictability. Which may be good for some who des...