So... As you can see, my blog has changed, again. It was formerly "The Terrible Tales of An Awkward Teen" but now it has changed to "Liyah's World" The reason behind this is, the other day I noticed on my site instead of the banner and the welcome picture and my button showing up etc. there was a white exclamation mark in a grey box. I was really puzzled by this and tried to look up ways to fix it and I found a blogger who ran across the same problem. Pretty much the only way to fix it was to remove the pictures causing error and replace it. I was really heartbroken by this because I had someone design my blog for me and I didn't really have much knowledge of how to go about changing my blog title and such so I used picmonkey since it was the only thing I could think of. I don't think it turned out too bad but I will do more to completely remove all the errors, this includes making a whole new button. I tried to contact the designer ...