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Showing posts from October, 2015

If I Were A Disney Princess I Would...

Awkward Teen posting twice a week? Yeah.. I'm on half term right now so I have a lot of spare time on my hands.. So literally 15 minutes ago I looked through my blog notes diary which, lets face it, is something I rarely go through because my ideas are becoming more and more spontaneous. When I was looking through the pages, first I was in awe looking at how far my blog had grown in just 7 months but then I stumbled across a few ideas I had jotted down for possible post ideas such as: My Pet Peeves Advice Post (which I'm 94% sure I've done before) How I Lost 42 Pounds How I Get Out Of Bed (When I REALLY Don't Want To) Now although all of these are intriguing ideas which I may or may not do (depending on demand) the one I found most intriguing was what I would do if I were a Disney princess because it would be probably be the best experience of my life. Although some of my policies may be a little....unconventional. ...

My Typical Blogging Process

I'm unsure if you guys will enjoy this post but oh well! Last week I thought "Hey, I wonder if anyone's interested in what my blogging process is" So then that inspired this post! I've had this post saved as a draft for so long,its crazy. Moving on, instead of having my blogging process typed in long paragraphs I'll type it in steps because lets be honest, long paragraphs are definitely not super fun to read. Plus, typing it in steps allows me to easily add fun GIFs along the way! Lets begin! The Thought Process: All of my blog posts start with one thing; An idea.  Mainly blog ideas will only come instantly or weeks before so I think its good to start typing them  as soon as I get the idea because although I'm 15 I seem to have the brain of an 97 year old as I forgot main things almost instantly. The Writing Process:  Ah, definitely the hardest part of my blogging process, typing out a blog post is very much lik...

My Latest Obsession

I totally forgot Saturday was my posting day because I've been up to my knees in homework, especially history homework, jheez history homework involves so much writing.. Anyways for this weeks post I decided to talk about my new latest obsession. With me its pretty easy to get me hooked on certain things such as people or tv shows and for right now its: iZombie If you're not into gory type shows then it's probably not for you. Oooh I should do my own review.. Yeah, lets do it! Plot: Basically it is about a doctor named Olivia "Liv" Moore who is happily engaged and a great worker. She is asked to attend a boat party which she reluctantly agrees to but it ends up being crashed when people turn into zombies. (How this happens is revealed later) A guy named Blaine who was originally groping Liv (to her dismay) at the party attacks her when he becomes a zombie and she is scratched by him and then she falls of the boat and into the lake, which kil...

What Made Me Smile This Week

So last week I told a commenter I'd try to take part in her creative "Reasons To Smile Challenge" Check this out for more details: Although the challenge was to post something everyday, my school life makes it hard to do so, so instead I promised to post something about what me smile this week. Just to make sure I didn't forget, I made sure to note down everything that made me crack even the tiniest smile. So here it is!: Monday- I got to make doughnuts for my food technology assessment and even though I thought they tasted average, everyone definitely enjoyed them! -I had history, I'm not sure why but I just adore history -My friends are some of the funniest people I know so seeing them definitely made my day. Tuesday- Food makes me happy so having a slice of red velvet cake that day brought unlimited joy to my soul. -I found out I did well on a test (I was ...

The TMI Tag

As person who loves to do tags I realised I've not done one in about 2 months... So I thought, why not do one I've been wanting to do for a long time! The TMI Tag Don't worry the questions aren't super TMI so no filter is needed. Originally there are 50 questions but I don't want this post to become longer than the Oxford dictionary so I shortened it to 20 questions. Feel free to take these questions and do the tag yourself! 1. What are you wearing? Right now, a tank top and shorts (because every professional blogger types in their pyjamas) 2. Have you ever been in love? I've dated people before but do I even know what love is? 3. Have you ever had a terrible break up? When I was like 9 (yes,9) I was dating a guy and he dumped me on Facebook but I responded super cool-like and said "Okay :)" and he was happy I responded so calmly but later that night I silently cried into my pillow whilst my mum talked on the phone ...