I am truly ashamed I let this blog die. Well technically, google plus ceasing to exist did. But I have neglected this wholesome thing I had going on and in the off chance anyone is reading this... hi? It's been a tumultuous year, truly. For some reason, after reading a bit of 'Love in Colour' by Bolu Babalola, I've been very inspired to write again. Well, I wouldn't count the garbage I type 'writing' but it's something lolol. If anyone has wanted some insight into the current mind of a British university student, here's the chance! So where do I begin, maybe with where my heads at? It's been so upsetting to see how many are struggling mentally with this lockdown, it is tough it truly is and I guess for me, my minds been up and down. Like some days I'm fine, I'm happy to just sit, listen to music, do university work, watch netflix, talk to my friends and end the day with reading or twitter. But somewhere deep down I have this small gnawin...