So a few weeks ago I got something I've wanted for a long time. My very own debit card I mainly wanted it because every time I got money, I'd spend it. Every single time. I honestly thought I had a spending problem but with a bank account I knew it would put a stop to my frivolous spending. And amazingly it has. But it has also taught me things I didn't think I'd learn from simply having an account in my name. So in attempt to be interesting I've compiled a list of things having a debit card has taught me. Lets begin: I've Become Super Stingy About Money Who would've thought that I'd change from a huge spender to a stingy spender. Now I have a debit card I will literally refrain from buying things because I don't want to tamper with the amount in my account. I try to spend by only using money at all times but when I have to use my card, I wont lie, a piece of my heart shatters. However it doesn't stop me from ...