So, I've been gone a while haven't i? IM SORRY Its been like a week, or maybe two i don't know but my laptops been broken and ugggh typing of my tablet was irritating me so i decided to wait... Yesterday i was ready to post but my laptop was still acting up so i had to repair it myself which i have so i here i am! I'm going to try and pre write blog posts so i can save them as drafts and post them at any time but for now i'm back! Nothing has really happened these past few weeks other than my exams ending so if i were to upload anything, it would probably bore you to death, but i have redownloaded the kim kardashian game, i post about it regularly on twitter-by the way I've changed my twitter up a little so its 10 times more funnier with a little bit of ratchet ( ive posted my twitter name on my blog once) if you want it you'll have to find it because i honestly want to keep my blog life and my twitter account seperate because my twit...